Workz continues to improve your eSIM management with further developments with Workz’s cloud eSIM 2.3 update, which goes live this week. With the rising volumes of subscribers and channels, this update will enable telcos to save time and resources when onboarding devices and users and exporting inventory reports.
Onboard users faster
Expedite onboarding for colleagues and customers by creating a duplicate of predefined roles and permissions for a new user. It saves manually inputting the common data with only the personal data, such as name and email address, to be added.
Block devices in bulk
Whether there is a need to block problematic devices or avoid repeatedly sending an activation code to devices, this bulk blocking feature simplifies the restriction of devices accessing the network by uploading all eIDs in a CSV file.
Improved inventory status reporting
Share custom-generated inventory reports filtered according to designated criteria by downloading them as CSV files for easier analysis or import into another system.
To learn more about how Workz cloud eSIM can enhance your platform, manage multiple sales channels, and save time on profile management, or request a free demo, please use the contact button below.